TopCoat Icons
TopCoat Icons offers 89 icons in . Created by TopCoat. They are available under the Apache 2.0 license.
TopCoat Icons Review
TopCoat Icons offers a comprehensive collection of SVG icons, designed to suit various needs. The set includes icons for essential functions and social media platforms, ideal for modern web and app interfaces.
Key Features
- Versatile Sizes: Available in 13px, 18px, 24px, and 40px.
- Categories:
- Basic Functions: Share, user, favorite, checkmark, remove, add, cancel, lock, unlock.
- Media & Communication: Photo, image, video camera, audio, audio off, chat, email.
- Navigation: Back, next, right arrow, left arrow, up arrow, down arrow.
- Utilities: Settings, wifi, search, home, calendar, clock/time, print, save, cloud.
- Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, GitHub, Dribble, Behance, Instagram, LinkedIn.
- Device Indicators: Battery full, battery low, battery empty.
- Others: Map, location, file types, user group, bookmark, comment/note.
Available Icons
- Functional: Expand, collapse, list view, tile view, text, brush, pencil, visible, visible off.
- Interactive: Refresh, error, delete, retweet, new, refresh.
- Social Media: Includes popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
TopCoat Icons is designed for ease of use and versatility, supporting a wide range of applications from basic UI elements to complex social interactions.