Map Icons
Map Icons offers 167 icons in . Created by Scott de Jonge. They are available under the Open Font License license.
Map Icons
Map Icons enhances Google Maps with dynamic SVG markers and labels. Key features include:
- Shape, Color, and Size Control: Easily customize markers through SVG notation and CSS.
- Google Maps Integration: Compatible with Google Maps API and Google Places API.
- Flexible Usage: Supports both image and SVG markers.
Three ways to get Map Icons:
- Download: Obtain the latest release.
- Clone: Use
git clone
- Include Fonts and CSS: Add files from the
directory anddist/css/map-icons.css
. - Include JavaScript: Add
for functionality.
Applying Icons
Use the map-icon
class prefix with HTML elements:
<span class="map-icon map-icon-point-of-interest"></span>
Apply styles using CSS selectors:
: General icon .map-icon
: Specific styling for labels on Google Maps.
Marker Example
Create markers with extended functionality:
var marker = new mapIcons.Marker({ map: map, position: new google.maps.LatLng(-27.46577, 153.02303), icon: { path: mapIcons.shapes.SQUARE_PIN, fillColor: '#00CCBB', fillOpacity: 1, strokeColor: '', strokeWeight: 0 }, map_icon_label: '<span class="map-icon map-icon-point-of-interest"></span>' });
- Fonts and Icons: Licensed under SIL OFL 1.1.
- Code: Licensed under MIT License.
- Documentation: Licensed under CC BY 3.0.