Material Line Icons
Material Line Icons offers 606 icons in . Created by Vjacheslav Trushkin. They are available under the MIT license.
Material Line Icons Review
Material Line Icons provides a diverse collection of icons with a distinct style. Key features include:
- Arrows icons
- Automotive icons
- Communication icons
- Emoji icons
- Maps icons
- Social icons
- Weather icons
- Home Automation icons
- Navigation icons
- Technology icons
- Interface icons
- Cloud icons
- Settings icons
- Account icons
- Alerts icons
- Editing icons
- Files and Folders icons
- Food and Drink icons
- SVG Animations: All icons feature animations based on the SVG Animations Level 2 specification, eliminating the need for CSS or JavaScript.
- Material Design Guidelines: Adheres to the official Material Design 'Round' and 'TwoTone' icon guidelines.
- Thin Lines: Uses 1px thin lines where appropriate, enhancing visual clarity.
Animation Types
- Fade-in: Most icons utilize a fade-in animation, where the icon gradually appears.
- -loop: Icons with this suffix have infinite animations.
- -out: These icons disappear, contrasting with their non-suffix counterparts.
- -transition: Transition between two icons.
Explore and implement the icons by using the line-md
prefix in your project.